Naturalization Application
United States citizenship opens numerous doors and opportunities that even lawful permanent residents do not enjoy. JCL Immigration Attorneys in Scottsdale, AZ, can help you determine if you are eligible to become a naturalized citizen and help you pursue the application process. Contact us today to learn more!

Who May Become a United States Citizen?
Demonstrate continuous residence in the United States for at least five years
Show you have been physically present in the United States for at least 30 months out of the last five years

How Long Does It Take to Become a U.S. Citizen?

How Can I Prepare for Naturalization?
Preparing for the Civics Test.
Schedule Your Consultation Today!
Do you want to become a citizen of the United States? JCL Immigration Attorneys can help! Complete the contact form to request a consultation. Our team responds quickly, usually within 24-48 hours.

JCL Immigration Attorneys, PLLC
1375 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 390
Scottsdale, AZ 85257
Phone: (602) 831-2329
Fax: 602-883-7893